- Something New in Vacuum Die-Casting: ProVac® Ultra Sonic Vacuum Valve, by C. Bagnoud (VDS) presented in NADCA Congress, October 2012, Indianapolis (USA)
- Die evacuation: Valve or chill vent?, comparison of Evacuation performance of a ProVac Vacuum Valve and a Chill-Vent, by C.Bagnoud and R. Bigger (VDS)
- Aluminium Die Casting: Lubrication Technology and Trends, by G.Natesh (Chem-Trend)
- The effect of Die Lubricant Spray on the Thermal Balance of Dies, by J.L. Graff (Chem-Trend) and L.H. Kallien (MAGMA)
- Aluminium High Pressure Die Casting Seminar
- Helping Die Casters Overcome Productivity and Quality Challenges
- Technical papers/articles about Die Casting lubrication
- ProVac® Vacuum Analysing & Monitoring Processor VAMP, a novel system for process monitoring and product quality assurance
- Soundcast Flyer
- Manufacturing of structural parts by HPDC technology-WFC 2014
Public Deliverables
- D5.1 Validated Demonstrator
- D5.2 Summary report of validation results
- D5.3 Soundcast Fabrication Procedures
- D6.1 Web Page
- D6.2 Interim Plan for use and dissemination of the knowledge
- D6.3. Draft Dissemination Plan
- D6.4 Final Plan for use and dissemination of the knowledge
- D6 5 Final Dissemination Plan